Category Archives: Politics

Presidential Debate: Clinton-Trump

I’m about to watch the first of the 2016 Presidential Debates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I’m leaning toward Clinton, but I want to (try to) give both a fair chance.

It’s not that I’m pro-Clinton, rather I’m anti-Trump. My concern is that Trump has no tact and no concern for the people. I believe he would make a terrible president. Intentionally or not, he instills animosity in crowds and brings out the worst in people…individualism to the extreme. I don’t think that would be good for our country.

I get the ideals he is basing his platform on, even though he hasn’t actually stipulated any of them. (Hoping for that tonight.) I just don’t believe his sincerity. I believe he is using the “Make America Great Again” emblem and the GOP as means of promoting himself to president. I don’t believe he is Republican. I believe he is Trump and will use what is available to further his agenda.

I also don’t think he grasps the details of how the government operates. His comments suggest his knowledge of positions and authorities isn’t what it should be for the Commander-In-Chief. He often states he will do things if elected that the POTUS simply doesn’t have the power to do. He tells us what Hillary should have done as Secretary of State that isn’t within the purview of that position. I don’t know if he’s trying to rally the troops or that he truly doesn’t understand the scope of that office. Perhaps he doesn’t care. But it’s clear that his previous experience will in no way assist him in this position.

I don’t have a problem with a businessman running for president. I voted for Perot (although I wouldn’t again). And I’ve always said that if the elections were held on April 15th, Steve Forbes would have held the office by now, perhaps to good effect. But Trump isn’t a businessman, not really. He’s a front man.

He’s a snake-oil salesman. Few, if any, of his venture are successful. He says what he needs to say to get you to believe him. He makes things up for the benefit of his own stories. He has actually made up rumors on the spot and then referred to those rumors to further his argument. Unbelievable.

It’s a telling sign when the major players aren’t in his corner. None of the previous presidents support him. Key members of the GOP don’t back him. And not even his fellow businessmen donate to his campaign.

Don’t get me wrong. Hillary isn’t a peach either. She is more steeped in Washington politics than almost any candidate in recent history. Her trustworthiness just isn’t there. But when she seems shady, at least you know that she knows what she’s hiding. I don’t think Trump is even aware of what he makes up. He contradicts himself so much that I’m not sure even he can keep track. Or cares.

I believe Hillary is the lesser of two evils.

I know that people want to shake things up, I get that. But there’s a difference in shaking things up and tearing things apart. I just don’t see any upside to what Trump offers. This is no longer about platform or party. This about who you want to represent the United States around the world. For me, that is not Trump.